Some people describe God as consciousness, or as high vibrational energy, and even as the “plane of possibility” (Daniel Siegel). However, the truth is that we humans don’t, or perhaps can’t, fall in love with concepts or abstractions. Through Jesus, Christians claim, God became a person “that we could hear, see with our eyes, look at, and touch with our hands” (1 John 1:1). In the Mutual Awakening Practice, we learn to engage with each and every person that way.
The Mutual Awakening Practice is done with another person, with eye contact, while speaking. The practice sweeps us into an intersubjective state where love is what is exchanged. Richard Rohr, a Franciscan Priest, says, “Jesus taught us what God is like through his words, his actions, his very being, making it clear that “God is love” (1 John 4:8,16).” With Mutual Awakening, we ignite that love between us such that we are inside of God/Love together.