
A Breath Practice for the New Paradigm

After we learn the Mutual Awakening Practice and are able to enter into Shared-Unity, we can begin to bring Mutual Awakening into our daily lives more actively.  For example, when we are consciously engaged in the activities of our daily lives from within the Shared-Unity — with our eyes open, our bodies moving, speaking or silent — our breathing is one way in which we naturally inhale and exhale Love.  Breathing is a dynamic exchange of Love that continually nourishes our Shared-Reality.  

As we breathe in (receive) Love fully and exhale (give) Love fully, we create an atmosphere in which we can all thrive.  We wake up to the fact that we are always in, and contributing to, the endless slip-stream of Love. Cultivating our ability to exist inside this field of mutuality while we are engaged in the activities of our lives — thinking, eating, remembering, planning, sensing, relating, working — will take us into a new way of being together where Love is the natural exchange.